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Finding solutions to global challenges – Transparency in reporting

Controlant recently published its 2023 Communication on Progress (CoP) and reaffirmed its continued support of the Ten Principles of the United Nations Global Compact in the areas of Human Rights, Labour, Environment, and Anti-Corruption.


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Implementing the Ten Principles of the UN Global Compact

We are proud of the efforts we make with our stakeholders working towards a zero-waste vision for pharma supply. The CoP is a key component of the UN Global Compact participants' commitment to accountability and transparency. More details can be found on the UN Global Compact participant site.

What is the ‘Communication on Progress’?

The CoP is a voluntary report that UN Global Compact participants submit annually to demonstrate their implementation of the Ten Principles and their support for the UN Sustainable Development Goals. The CoP is based on a self-assessment framework that can provide transparent and credible account of a company’s corporate sustainability activities.

Every inch of progress counts

The private sector has the power to create solutions needed to address the challenges the world is facing and heed the call to action to end poverty, protect the planet, and ensure that all people enjoy peace and prosperity. The UN Global Compact is the world’s largest corporate sustainability initiative, and Controlant has been a participant since 2022.

Eliminating waste in a critical supply chain

At Controlant, we are solving the critical issue of immense waste in pharma supply chains. With a carbon footprint greater than that of the automotive industry, and an estimated 30% of all medicines wasted as they travel from production to patient, there is a significant opportunity to reduce waste in one of the world's most important supply chains.

Across Controlant, our talented people and teams are contributing to realize our vision of zero-waste pharma supply chains, and thereby creating a more sustainable future for the planet and patients. As the Global Sustainable Development Report highlights—every inch of progress matters. link

Stakeholder engagement is key

In the process of responding to expectations from customers, employees, suppliers, investors, regulators, and the communities in which we operate, stakeholder engagement is key to improving performance and creating shared value.

The CoP provides a transparent account of Controlant’s corporate sustainability activities and impacts that are aligned with the Ten Principles and the UN Sustainable Development Goals. We welcome feedback, so please contact if you’d like to comment or ask for further information.